Debate: Lieutenant Governor (Campanale v. Cole Allen)

A two-way debate between the candidates for the office of Lieutenant Governor, hosted by WBUR CitySpace on 8/15. Kate Campanale is running as the running mate of gubernatorial candidate Chris Doughty and Leah Cole Allen is running as the running mate of Geoff Diehl.

The Republican side of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor’s race seems defined by its party line response to pandemic. Both candidates for Lieutenant Governor pointed to personal choice over public safety as the most important factor in shaping vaccine policy.

What the candidates cannot agree on is whether Trump’s endorsement is a blessing or a curse. Since Trump endorsed Diehl, Leah Cole Allen argued that it’s a blessing.

HDN offers some debate notes below to help you find certain topics and questions. 

The usual disclaimer: Hump Day News provides a loose outline, with timecodes, of the back-and-forth. The questions (Qs) noted in the transcript are highlights, not an exhaustive record. The candidate’s responses are paraphrases, not quotes, with a little editorial spin.

WBUR CitySpace

Kate Campanale (KC)

Leah Cole Allen (LCA)

  • Opening: 1:45

    • LCA: running mate to Diehl; lost nursing job over vaccine mandate

    • KC: running mate to Doughty; 

  • Q1, 4:30, what’s your job once elected and what are your skill sets that will make you successful at that job?

  • Q2, 8:15, what do you think the current lieutenant governor is doing in terms of leadership with municipalities?

  • Q3, 9:00, what’s one initiative the current LG is pushing that you’d like to continue?

  • Q4, 10:30, what happens when you have a different viewpoint than your boss? How do you handle it?

  • Q5, 13:15, when might you use your temporary gubernatorial authority in special situations?

    • LCA: medical freedom (read: vaccine mandates)

    • KC: we always agree

  • Q6, 15:00, have you ever been to a governor’s council meeting?

    • KC: zoomed into a couple;

    • LCA: attended one;

  • Q7, 15:30, do you think it’s time for change on the counsel and if so, what change?

  • Q8, 17:00, to KC, do you think you can win without Charlie Baker’s endorsement?

    • KC: yes!

  • Q9, 18:00, on Trump’s endorsement of Diehl, good or bad?

    • LCA, yessss? Buck Fiden!

    • KC: bad;

    • (some amusing back-n-forth as candidates compete to have the least amount of votes for Ds on their record)

  • [lightning round?] 

    • Q10, who is on your MA Mt. Rushmore?

      • LCA: idk

      • KC: mentions the New England sports greats;

    • Q11, What are you reading?

      • LCA: I don’t read

      • KC: Elaine Hilderbrand, Winter in Paradise (sp)

    • Q12, What’s on your long drive playlist?

      • LCA: word salad

      • KC: Kenny Chesney, You Know She’s Radio (sp)

    • Q13, Do you ride the MBTA?

      • KC: I have in the past…

      • LCA: I used to…

    • Q14, oh, here comes the real question, how would you grade the T’s performance after I’ve read this laundry list of terrible T things?

      • LCA, ~D

      • KC, long answer but no grade?

  • Q15, 26:15, are the T’s problems Baker’s fault?

    • KC: no;

    • LCA: no;

  • Q16, 27:00, how much control should the federal gov have in the proposed MBTA takeover?

  • Q17, 32:30, what should we do with cannabis tax and casino tax income?

  • Q18, 34:15, should Beacon Hill lawmakers return to work right now to get the job done on tax relief?

  • Q19, 38:00, do you support making public transportation free?

    • LCA: no;

    • KC: no;

  • Q20, 38:45, do you think the LG’s salary puts you out of touch with the average working family?

  • Q21, 45:15, are you in favor of repealing the bill that grants undocumented residents the ability to get a driver’s license?

    • KC: yes;

    • LCA: yes; 

  • Q22, 48:30, to LCA, can you help lead the state on vaccination policy when you don’t follow it yourself?

    • LCA: we have alternative facts about the vaccine;

  • Q23, 50:30, to KC, do you think it’s your job to follow the state’s rules for Covid-19 response?

    • KC: let people make up their own mind!

  • [lightning round #2], 53:15

    • Favorite beach? Vacation spots? What do you do in your free time? Hot or iced coffee? First concert attended [are we phishing for online security questions? -ed.]

  • Closing, 56:15


Debate: House of Rep. 15th Suffolk District (Fierro v. Longoria v. Montaño v. Nelson)


Debate: Lieutenant Governor (Driscoll v. Gouveia v. Lesser)