Ballot Questions Roundup

There are four ballot questions awaiting Massachusetts voters in the general election on 8 November. Ballot questions are laws submitted directly to voters for approval, or disapproval, alongside the regular slate of candidates. 

Hump Day News’ Take

Yes on 1…

Yes on 2…

Pick ‘Em on 3….

Yes on 4…

Find out why below:

Info: How a question lands on the ballot

Not every question makes it to the ballot. In Massachusetts there is a multi-stage procedure through which every successful ballot question must pass. 

In short, in round one enough signatures must be collected to show support for the question and to submit the question to the legislature. Lawmakers can pass the law there and then. 

If they don’t, in round two another batch of signatures must be collected to show support for the question appearing on the ballot. If enough signatures are collected, lawmakers will vote yea or nay whether the question should appear. It only requires a yea from one-fourth of the legislature to clear this final hurdle.

If it clears the final hurdle, the question will be submitted to voters on the ballot in the next election. Ballotpedia provides a nice, slightly lengthier, write up of the process.

On to the ballot questions: taxes, teeth, booze, and immigration. What’s your pleasure?


Rayla Campbell: ‘I’m historic’


Ballot Question 4