
Macie Stewart: “Spring Becomes You, Spring Becomes New”
What’s that piano preparing for, a written invitation?

Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti & Frank Rosaly: “Desjeter”
Latin rhythms, post punk bass lines, a cornet for good measure.

Thandi Ntuli with Carlos Niño: “Nomayoyo”
South Africa’s jazz piano chanteuse comes stateside.

Angel Bat Dawid: Requiem For Jazz
Angel Bat Dawid versus Mozart in a steel-cage match. Who you got?

Daniel Villarreal: “Things Can Be Calm”
A tentative, ambient dreamer with Jeff Parker on guitar.

Damon Locks and Rob Mazurek: “The Concord Hour”
A collab that lands sample jazz on the dark side of the moon.

Rob Mazurek (Exploding Star Orchestra): “Future Shaman”
Rob Mazurek brings a little jazz, a little spoken word, and a little stardust.

Angel Bat Dawid: “RECORDARE – Recall the Joy”
An ode to black joy in a time that is obsessed with black misery.

Photay with Carlos Niño: C H A N G E
If you don’t have your ambient card punched yet, this album from Photay and Carlos Niño will do the job.

Transition East
Chicago’s Angel Bat Dawid taps into something powerful and mysterious on the instrumental “Transition East.”

Inner Flight
Makaya McCraven has been having a minute for about a half decade. Take an “Inner Flight” with the jazz maven.

This Woman’s Work
Harpist Brandee Younger and bassist Dezron Douglas deliver an ear-opening rendition of the Kate Bush classic “This Woman’s Work.”

Baker’s Dozen
Chicago’s Junius Paul kicks off the jazz jam of “Baker’s Dozen” with some faux feedback scrawl that sounds like a Sonic Youth outtake.

Parable of Inclusion
Chicago's Rob Mazurek has a touch of the cosmic to him and a star is born on Dimensional Stardust.

Dream Another
A more orchestral side of Makaya McCraven is taking flight on the forthcoming album In These Times.

Seventh String
Makaya McCraven crafts a smooth-as-butter mix of strings, flute, and jungle rhythms in “Seventh String.”