Post-Snow America

It’s Beeeeeeeeeeef for dinner at The Rockwell on Saturday, 8 February 2025.

Clifford and Hey, I’m Outside open the triplestack in Davis Square’s favorite black box.

Is winter coming?

Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix


Hump Nights


Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix 〰️ Hump Nights 〰️

Hump Nights


Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix


Hump Nights 〰️ Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix 〰️

Hey, I’m Outside

The three-piece indie rockers Hey, I’m Outside opened the night at The Rockwell under the shadow of the threat of the harbinger of an omen of a winter storm system en route. It’s always a “system,” right?

Fuck the system! Despite weather-related show cancellations raining down like ticker tape on Victory Day, the triplestack bill was a “Go.”

Hey, I’m Outside, a thoroughly punctuated band, did not neglect to play songs off their recent self-titled full-length release. It’s the one with the goat face on the cover.

Goat is an underrated edible meat. Available at your local halal market.


Clifford is a four-piece indie rock band with tonal range. They’re not afraid to mix it up within the same song, never mind the same set.

At one moment you’re treading beautiful water in a sea of ASMR whisper rock, the next moment you’re grunting like Black Sabbath’s grandkid on a doomy grind.

I wouldn’t mind hearing them plant their flag in one spot to develop nuances for longer stretches, which doesn’t mean, or doesn’t have to mean, giving in to a kind of lazy genre reductivism. But I guess they’re just not feeling it.

The band was pushing a hard pro-Eagles agenda, which, in retrospect, was prescient., given the outcome of the Superbowl.


Beeef performed as a five-piece, joined by the great Mike Moscato, whose name, despite his greatness, I do not know how to spell.

If the snow wasn’t falling by the time they broke into the first song, it was freely falling when they loaded out. The area got 4-8 inches, and the storm didn’t hit in earnest until late night, which means that most of the local music fans got home alright but anyone trucking in from a longer distance might have had some low visibility driving.

The setlist included a song that Beeef identified as their big hit, “Nice Clean Shirt,” off their latest LP Somebody’s Favorite. Great song, but it doesn’t have nearly the level of “interior smell of aunt’s beach house in Rhode Island” vibe. Which is the vibe you want.

Beeef was also rooting for the Eagles.


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