Jobi Riccio: “Lonely Tonight”
Loneliness rides shotgun in a lot of pop songs but rarely takes the wheel. All those broken-hearted love songs? Close cousins with loneliness, and impossible without it, but not quite the same thing.
Jobi Riccio gives loneliness its due with our highlighted track “Lonely Tonight.” A beautiful alt country ballad with the wry kicker “I’m feeling lonely tonight / Maybe I’m the only one.” Sad and melancholy, sure. And missing the note of self-satisfaction of Lou Reed’s “Lonely Saturday Night.” But Riccio’s hardly conquered by solitude. The flight of strings in the back half of the song feel like Riccio has discovered a little grit and resilience she might not have otherwise known she had in the regular hustle and bustle of this peopled world of pleasing folks and folks who want to be pleased.
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