Galm, Gool, and Gollected
Sailor Down throws down anchor at Deep Cuts on Friday, 16 August 2024.
It’s a record release party for Sailor Down with Me In Capris, John Galm, and Cape Crush playing in support.
The booker behind the local live music series Illegally Blind (puts together the Fuzzstival and more), Jason Trefts, is raising money to start a non-profit organization, staffed by brain tumor survivors, “that will provide free short-term care coordination services for people in the Boston, MA area recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.”
The mission of the project hits close to home for Trefts. In his own words, “I was diagnosed with an incurable Astrocytoma at 24 years old. I have spent the decade-plus since navigating chronic disabling conditions while working in the human services field.”
“Astrocytoma” is a type of brain tumor. And while Trefts has been dealing with that, he has also been working in care coordination himself, observing first hand how important the work is. His proposed non-profit would make more of that important work happen for more people. Find out the details and donate at the Still Around Gofundme.
Just an aside, I saw a poster for a Still Around benefit show at Arts at the Armory back in May, didn’t mind what the benefit was benefiting, and just figured it was a jokey reference to the fact that all the college kids had gone home for the summer making all the locals part of the “Still Around” club. Because I’m an idiot. Obviously the phrase means a whole lot more.

Cape Crush
If you feel a sense of déjà vu with this bill, you’re on to something, because Cape Crush have played here before alongside Me In Capris. These bands like to shake a leg together. New news from Cape Crush: a split release is forthcoming, split partner not yet announced. At least not announced at Deep Cuts on Friday night. And the by-and-large easy breezy pop of Cape Crush took a heavier turn when the lead singer dedicated a song to her mom, who never lived to see her become a mom herself.

Not John Galt! Not the weirdo central figure of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, corresponding to the oft-repeated tagline throughout the lumbering novel: who is John Galt?

John Galm
Who is he?
I hate-watched the film trilogy adaptation of the novel, which, admittedly, is a terrible spirit in which to watch a film. But damn if I didn’t enjoy watching the dream collapse over the course of three films.
The trilogy started with a big budget and decent production in the first film. After an awful reception – via critics, box office, and streaming – the company behind this alt right fever dream had to confront the fact that no one wanted to watch a trilogy of elitist douchebags whine about how the rest of the world wasn’t hard working enough to join them in their exceedingly white & European would-be utopian society.
The train had already left the station, though, so the film company completed the project, each subsequent movie shittier and more half-assed than the last. It’s awesome when you see the populist delusions of right wingers, who think their elitist vision of the world has mass appeal without ever talking to people outside of their bubbles, fall flat on their fucking faces.
John Galm is out of Philly. He plays in Snowing and Mt. Worry, and he played winsome solo guitar ballads on Friday night. He kind of looks like a runner, but maybe it’s just the sneakers. That’s who John Galm is.

Sailor Down
EP release party from Sailor Down! What’s the EP? Maybe We Should Call It A Night. Which is a wonderful and wise Debbie Downer line. Irony of ironies, one the the stage banter snippets captured in the show recap clip is about a night when the musician behind the moniker, Chloe Deeley, decided to not call it a night. Instead, the band’s guitarist, Ben Husk (?), coaxed Chloe out to a karaoke bar, where they met Bill Murray, hoovered some rails, and co-wrote the entire EP while hanging upside down from a hastily installed chin-up bar. You have to admire the creative process. Maybe We Should Call It A Night is out now, via Relief Map Records, a western Mass label.

Me In Capris
4-1=3. It’s hard not to feel a bit wistful when someone you’ve partnered with on a creative project for a while moves on. Time marches on for us all and spares no one. Like a leaf loosed from its gentle bough in the autumn winds, floating along the breeze to parts unknown, so too does the Cosmic Zephyr scatter us upon lost sojourns to lands remote and removed from those we love. Cruelty of cruelties, time even makes the memory of the departed grow dimmer with each passing year. Alas. So it goes with Me In Capris, who’ve been trimmed down to three members with the departure of guitarist Chet.
Chet Whatshislastname? How should I know? Am I fucking psychic?
Photo Gallery
What’s that piano preparing for, a written invitation?
“The Legacy of Istanbul in America” brings a Mehter band to Jordan Hall.
Impossible Dog achieves the possible at Deep Cuts.