Me In Capris: “Lonely Christmas”
It’s not a lonely Christmas, Me In Capris! It’s a merry Christmas because it’s #XMAS4EVA. Even in January, February, March, April, and more. But are there sad and depressing undertones to the holiday? Sure, any event where you’re supposed to be happy, jolly, full of good cheer can amplify your mood when you’re feeling the exact opposite: unhappy, morose, and full of bile. The best remedy is to make it a less lonely time by reaching out to friends and family. If you don’t have anyone around, be a friend to someone and likely as not they will be a friend to you. The more you know…
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“We’re just honored to be nominated” is bullshit said at Big Night Live.
Andrew Stern; interview with DIY venue 4th Wall organizers; and more.
Recorded live in the studio at Chillhouse!