Model/Actriz: “Winnipesaukee”

An electro-rock minimalist crooner. Brooklyn’s Model/Actriz hit like the most intense lounge act you’ve ever seen at the Berlin Hilton. More than passing shades of late Scott Walker.
‘Late’ as in RIP, but also ‘late period’ in his discography when the British (American?) singer-songwriter took a hard fucking turn from pop confections to avant gard, experimental, who knows what. Stuff like The Drift (2006) in which he’d bring huge slabs of raw beef into the recording studio to get the perfect percussive slap sound on tape.
Our highlighted track from Model/Actriz is “Winnipesaukee,” which looks like a standalone single that takes inspiration from a big lake in New Hampshire. The weird percussion sounds like a metal bowl when it’s tapped on the side while floating, half-filled, in a basin of water.
You know these things if you’ve ever washed dishes professionally. Available via True Panther.
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