Horse Lords: “Bending To The Lash”
Side B of a split 7” with Lower Dens, originally released in 2013. Speaking of which, when is Lower Dens going to put out a new album? They put out killer album after killer album, from Twin-Hand Movement to The Competition, evolving their sound in new ways with each new release.
Oh shit, this is on their Wikipedia page:
“On December 8, 2021, Lower Dens announced their breakup. “It’s time for me and Nate to say goodbye to Lower Dens,” Hunter wrote, referring to bandmate and drummer Nate Nelson. “We’re proud of what we’ve done, and very lucky to have had so many people supporting us. Spiritually and physically, we, like, can not participate in the music industry any longer.”
At least we have Horse Lords!
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Andrew Stern; interview with DIY venue 4th Wall organizers; and more.
Is this gag techno?