Baby Creators

Job Creators kraut the rock at Lizard Lounge on Friday, 10 January 2025.

Christina Lacoste (of Lady Lupine, who calls in sick) and Elisabeth Hoffman open the triplestack bill.

Tami-Fest IV flyers are up.

Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix


Hump Nights


Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix 〰️ Hump Nights 〰️

Hump Nights


Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix


Hump Nights 〰️ Ace the Quiz, Win the Tix 〰️

The latest edition of Tami-FestTami-Fest 4 – will take place at Lizard Lounge on Tuesday, January 21. Hit it up. And don’t try to order the drink of the month, which is a mocktail called “Cherry Pie,” because nobody at the bar has ever heard of it. Just as well. I’m breaking my Dry January as I type these very w o r d s.

Elisabeth Hoffman

Elisabeth Hoffman served up a solo set of wispy electric folk pickers in the ruby-lit basement quarters of the Lizard Lounge.

Free idea: keep a house pet on display behind the bar. Maybe an iguana in a terrarium. Or is that cruel?

Christina Lacoste

of Lady Lupine

Sounds like Covid-19 is back in action for Winter 2025. I can’t confirm that’s why the rest of Lady Lupine had to bail, but they were sick, for sure, and left Christina Lacoste on her lonesome in the middle of the bill.

Lacoste has a voice built for jazz and blues. Full of texture, full of timbre, full of whimsy, full of sassafras. Just plain full. The set followed suit, offering a mix of originals and covers, including a version of the classic “Dream A Little Dream of Me.”

Shame on me, I thought that was an original Mama Cass number, off her solo album. Lacoste referenced a Louis Armstrong version (with Ella Fitzgerald or all on his own?) to lay the proper groundwork for her kazoo-imitation finish. And the crowd went wild.

For the record, looks like “Dream A Little Dream of Me” was composed in 1931, a collaborative effort between Fabian Andre, Wilbur Schwandt, and Gus Kahn. May they rest in peace.

Job Creators

Congratulations to Tim Winslow, drummer for the Job Creators. He’s going to be a dad! Whether he’s a first-time dad, or just adding to the litter, I can’t say. You can only pick up so much information creepily eavesdropping on people while waiting for a drink at the bar.

Nevermind my sourcing, the key takeaway here is, despite the social, and political, and literal conflagrations that constantly surround us, in the words of Dr. Malcolm, “Life finds a way.”

The duo is an instrumental-focused heavy jam, pairing a bass with drums, or synth, to crank out a rhythm-forward blitz. Weird samples here and there thicken the soup. Call it krautrock if you like – I do, sometimes. But it also overlaps on the Venn diagram with different sub variants of funk and prog and arthouse pop.

Oh shit, I don’t need to creepily eavesdrop. Tim blasted the good news out on the ‘gram.


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Ezra Furman and Alex Walton: “Beat Me Up”


Melt: “Fake Romantic”