Chaiah: “Donde Vas”

Just a mile long track list. Not that there is a crazy number of tracks on Chaiah’s latest LP Control Release. It’s long because all the contributing composers, performing artists, arrangers, conductors, mixers, engineers, producers, and sound designers are listed in full for each track, individually. It’s like a flashmob party beneath every track title.
The listing for our highlighted track “A Donde Vas” (ft. Michael Dunaway) is typical:
2. A Donde Vas - Chaiah ft. Michael Dunaway
Chaiah - Composition, Production, Vox, Gtr, Sound Design.
Michael Dunaway - Vocals, Bass
emma where - Background Vocals (bgvs)
lilith - Finger Drums, Sound Design.
Matthew Drake - Keys
Austin Wilson - Sax
Jon Tan - Recording Engineer
Raymond Ge: Vocal Editor
martin allende - Mix
Elijah Judah - Master
The more, the merrier! Chaiah steers the ship on this uplifting, inspired, and slightly-scrambled take on neo jazz. The thrust is mostly instrumental and vocals on “A Donde Vas,” but you can sense the electronics fluttering throughout like tracers behind your eyelids. Shades of an upbeat Alabaster DePlume. And the beat is a bit off kilter, swanky, like it drank too much lean. Wobble with the flow, if you feel it. Available via EveryDejaVu Records.
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