Already Dead: “Bread and Roses”

Is it almost Labor Day already? Where did the summer go…
It’s always a good day to remember workers around the world who fought for the labor rights we enjoy today and to remind ourselves that the fight’s not over yet. But Labor Day is that extra special day, so spend it in an extra special way (if you have it off).
The punk trio Already Dead has been poking around in collab territory lately and this new single is no different. The Collazos join forces to revive the workers’ anthem “Bread and Roses”, dating all the way back to a 1912 textile strike in Lawrence, MA.
Give the song a spin in honor of the struggle, and check out a live performance of the song and more with Already Dead at the Bread & Roses Heritage Festival in Lawrence on Labor Day.
Oh hey, Grace Givertz will be playing too!
Stream to your heart’s content.
From the working class punkers that brought you My Collar Is Blue.
Boston’s Already Dead is genre mashing on its new single “Don’t Wake Me.”
Already Dead remembers punk’s roots in political dissidence on their latest LP My Collar Is Blue.
North Shore hardcore legends Moving Targets played the afternoon bill at Midway Cafe.
Boston’s Already Dead fires off loud and lively on the lead single “Stability” from their forthcoming debut album My Collar Is Blue, out 9/9.
All the Top Tracks 2024 until forever, or 2025, whichever comes first.