Two Out of Four
The Ghouls fly to the Finals at Sonia on Friday, 19 April 2024.
Other Brother Darryl nabs its second Wildcard to join them – it’s the Power of Darryl! Roser and Looking Glass War bow out.
Anngelle Wood of Boston Emissions puts on her emcee hat, emcee jacket, and emcee boots.
There was a 50/50 chance to make the Rock N Roll Rumble Finals if you played the Friday night gig at Sonia.
Those are pretty good odds. You could clean up at a casino with those odds.
The closest you get to those odds at a real casino is roulette, which will let you bet on Black or White, though there are a few Greens too, so the odds get tilted back from 50/50 to slightly favor the house.
Not much skill in roulette though. If you know how to play blackjack or poker (you know, “games of skill” versus “games of chance”), your odds will improve. Especially if you can find a table full of a bunch of rubes eager to throw away their money.
Winning the Rumble would fall under the general category of “game of skill.” There are judges, and those judges judge in accordance with a set of rules, and those rules are supposed to approximate some sort of objective criteria for rock n roll intensity. It’s also just for fun.
Let’s rock! The Finals are May 4 at Sonia…
Other Brother Darryl posted its setlist from Friday night online, noting it was the same setlist they used for the Preliminary Round as well. So much to say that there are rumors in the air that they will switch things up in their Finals appearance. A dicey move or inspired maneuver? Saint Dave will be beaming in via telecast either way.
The Freqs, The Endorphins, Tysk Tysk Task, and Ruin the Nite are ready to rumble at Middle East.
The five-piece band from Lowell Roser boasted the biggest, brassiest voice of the night. Rad rock riffs, hot licks, and a cannonade of percussion provided the positively perfect platform for powerful pitch-perfect vocal pullulations.
The four-piece Looking Glass War plied 70s/80s Bowie-inspired pop/rock tracks and boasted the deepest V of the night! Crisp drumming and precision guitar progressions kept the motor running on the uptempo ballads. The Rumble needs to get more creative with its prizes – maybe a Deepest V award in 2025?
Another band from Lowell! It’s The Ghouls, who punched their ticket to the final round with their bouncy brand of heavy pop. What can they do to upstage their performances in the Preliminary and Semifinal Rounds? What haven’t the judges seen or heard yet? Will they wheel out the mustache-trimming ceremony?
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Andrew Stern; interview with DIY venue 4th Wall organizers; and more.
Top Fests 2024 forever, oars bent unceasingly toward the green light of 2025.