Second Hands: “Grindr Song”
A split release from Second Hands and North Haven. You can find the physical edition in cassette form for sale on their Bandcamp.
Our highlighted track “Grindr Song” comes Second Hands. A real minimalist, lo-fi indie strummer, complete with some nice vocal harmonies. Shades of The Libertines.
No, not that 90s Libertines band from the UK. The American band also named The Libertines, also from the 90s, which wrote an epic track about getting rabies treatment (“Seventeen shots in the belly!”) after getting bit by a strange dog. Though apparently medical science has progressed to produce a kindler, gentler rabies treatment.
Sounds good, if you have healthcare.
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“We’re just honored to be nominated” is bullshit said at Big Night Live.
Andrew Stern; interview with DIY venue 4th Wall organizers; and more.
Recorded live in the studio at Chillhouse!