Klaus Johann Grobe: “Highway High”
What’s up with the Zürich to American indie label pipeline? OK, we’ve only got two bands in mind. First, the artist behind our highlighted track “Highway High” – that’s Klaus Johann Grobe. Second, Disco Doom. Do these dudes hang out in the Alps trading chocolate recipes and record recommendations? We don’t have proof to the contrary. Different sounds though. KJG is bringing a synth heavy, psych journeyman vibe. Not a “heart of darkness”-type journey where you plumb the depths of your inner spirit and arm wrestle god. More like a mellow simmer of a Sunday afternoon high. Off the LP Io tu il loro. Available via Trouble In Mind Records.
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“We’re just honored to be nominated” is bullshit said at Big Night Live.
Andrew Stern; interview with DIY venue 4th Wall organizers; and more.
Recorded live in the studio at Chillhouse!