Garcia Peoples: “Four Walls”

Rutherford, New Jersey’s Garcia Peoples knows how to cook with the jam-adjacent rockers. You know, the ones that pick up a real 20-minute plus head of steam. But don’t forget that beneath the infinitely yawning eaves of musical exploration is a solid foundation of pop song writing. Intro, melody, verse, chorus, bridge….that sort of thing.
That’s what we’ve got with our highlighted track “Four Walls,” off Cosmic Cash, which gets in and out by the three-minute mark. Sure, you could stretch it out by another twenty minutes, and maybe there are nights when you want to, but if you can’t get your business done in the time it takes to inflate your bike tires, what are you even doing in the pop music game? Garcia Peoples gets it done.
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Neal Francis / Improvement Movement. Photo galleries by Julia Levine.
Washed out, washed right.