Flake: “Yellow”
Hump Day News recently covered a gig at Silhouette Lounge in which one band (I think it was Timothy Stone) played a new song called “Yellow,” and Stone felt compelled to assure us that it was not the Coldplay version. Ouch!
I mean, the British rock band have done everything in their power to make a mockery of themselves. Billboard hits that all sound the same, multi-colored tape around the fingers, marrying Goop goddess Gywneth Paltrow, and naming your children Apple and Moses. (OK, “Moses” is kind of cool.) But you’ve got to admit they can write a pop song.
Wichita’s Flake is fully on board with the tune, cranking out a kind of midwest emo version of the hit.
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Freedy Johnston tells ironic anecdotes at the Lilypad.