Nu Legs

With their new album My Name Is Hell just released and the band promoting it on a national tour, it’s the perfect time to lose the plot and spotlight a track off an older album. Right?

The 5-track Let the Shit House Burn Down is a gem EP. “Heads Been Ringing” is a medium-to-slow tempo crashpounder with some quiet moments that another track like “It’s So Hard to Know How To Say Goodbye” goes full in on. After the shitstorm of the first three tracks, you barely know the record is still playing until a few fireworks two minutes into “ISHTKHTSG.”

All of the above in preparation for the 6:49 epic barnblazer “Science is Science.” A bold indictment of the reductiveness of the techno-scientific worldview, or just another opportunity to mash n’ thrash? You decide. Shades of “Expressway To Yr Skull,” if such a thing is possible.

For our highlighted track, we’ll keep things simpler and cue up the intro song “Nu Legs.”

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