Need Your Love
Denver’s Tennis leans into its retro Brie & Chablis aesthetic with pop songs written for lovers lazing the summer day away on a shady veranda. The band radiates Elitist Chic, but look a little closer and you’ll see the signs & signifiers of wealth aspiration rather than reality. The corny hairdos and polyester duds of the Swimmer album cover are tailored to give you the comfort (or horror) vibes of flipping through old family photo collections.
Back when mom & pop could raise a few kids and buy a house on one income. Back when pensions were a thing. Back before anyone heard of Coke Classic. Pop music is fertile ground for escapism and Tennis wants to be your lead conductor on the Throwback Express.
So far not many words dedicated to the music itself. It’s good. Well-crafted pop ditties that milk the transitional moment in American culture from a “power to the macramé people” 70s to the “greed is Gecko” 80s. Undergraduates enjoying a brief cocaine period will dig Swimmer.
Shades of Captain & Tenille for the couple dynamic. Shades of post-Mellow Gold Beck, when he started getting sexy and made a point of digging into cover bands, rather than the bands they were covering, in search of a post modern aesthetic. Shades of thousands of perfectly good bands collecting dust in the dollar bins of used record stores.
Stream, share, buy to your heart’s content.
An underwater musical Shangri-La.