Just Shreddin
Trophy Husband participates at The 4th Wall on Friday, 13 September 2024.
Makeout Palace and American Ink open the triplestack bill.
Dreamdrop on the visuals?
The booker behind the local live music series Illegally Blind (puts together the Fuzzstival and more), Jason Trefts, is raising money to start a non-profit organization, staffed by brain tumor survivors, “that will provide free short-term care coordination services for people in the Boston, MA area recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.”
The mission of the project hits close to home for Trefts. In his own words, “I was diagnosed with an incurable Astrocytoma at 24 years old. I have spent the decade-plus since navigating chronic disabling conditions while working in the human services field.”
“Astrocytoma” is a type of brain tumor. And while Trefts has been dealing with that, he has also been working in care coordination himself, observing first hand how important the work is. His proposed non-profit would make more of that important work happen for more people. Find out the details and donate at the Still Around Gofundme.
Makeout Palace got the crowd out of their seats. In fact, I’m not sure the crowd was ever in their seats in the first place for the opening act. It can be a struggle on some bills to get people in a movie theatre to stand at attention when a band is playing upfront. We’re just trained to take a seat if there’s a screen in front of us.

Makeout Palace
Plus, it’s not always clear where to stand, given the limited amount of space between the first row of seats and where the bands set up to play. Nobody cared during the first set, and people just jammed into the aisles and rows to get a closer listen and look at Makeout Palace. There was an Aughtsy danceable indie sleaze vibe to most of the set.
Bonus points for the dramatic entrance of the surprise saxophonist, who shot down the aisle in the first half of the set to join the band on stage for the rest of the night.

American Ink
American Ink performed as three-piece pop punkers with some nice polyphonic vocal runs. The drummer spends a lot of time banging the drums that aren’t snares, that isn’t the bass drum – what do you call those other ones? Tom-toms? All types of tom-toms to give the songs a nice meaty rhythm. The band has a new single coming out….soon.

Trophy Husband
King shredders! Trophy Husband has a kind of psych metal vibe. Dreamdrop was operating the visuals, I think, and created a backdrop of lightning behind the fourpiece. You could hardly imagine a more fitting backdrop while the lead guitarist let it rip. They just put out a new album called Trophy Husband Hates You. Check it out.
Trophy Husband participates at The 4th Wall.