A Kind Man Is Hard To Find
Pontius Pilates
Healers Co capped a four-stack bill of lo-fi hijinks at Silhouette Lounge on Monday, 13 February 2023.
Bradford Barker Band, Gut Health, and Pontius Pilates manufactured sound waves for human ears from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Another Valentine’s Day in the books. Is it a contrived Hallmark holiday, designed to separate you from the money in your wallet for the sake of cards, candy, and gourmet meals?
Forget the haters. We need more reasons to celebrate love, not less. And Bill the Bartender wouldn’t sell half the amount of booze he does if the human race didn’t need to cure its occasional love woes with booze.
In this episode of As the Sil Turns, a pair of potential lovebirds curl up in a booth to trade a love language of blissed out nonsense.
(in ska-checkered sneaks) “He’s not only talented, but kind.”
(nods understandingly) “And it’s hard to find a kind man.”
(takes a sip) “We got to fire this mixer named Ryan. The name ‘Ryan’ is a red flag.”
(tucks hair behind ear) “Emma Stein is a great person. She’s, like, six feet.”
(grows impatient, then angry) “I hate to say it out loud because they did not treat me so badly.”
(her wrath quieted as a male companion shows her a website of “insane” and “fucked up” t-shirt designs on his phone) “I’m an OK person to go with the problematic stuff too because I recognize what’s up.”
Never doubt the power of love.
Bradford Barker Band
Bradford Barker Band
The Bradford Barker Band seems to be one self-titled offshoot of an amorphous collective of garbage-core rock n rollers, alongside At Stan's Bris, death Snail, 4 President Terrence, Puhoy, Cock, "Crill Related Band", Scary Video With Russian Guy, Salinger, and The Moms.
Does it count as a ‘collective,’ though, when it’s likely the same group of friends, drinking the same beer, with the same shit instruments, multiplying different monikers for the same cheap laughs?
BBB power-walked through a set of aggro punk ditties. There were a few melodies squirreled away in the mix, but it was mostly noise salad tossed for yuks. Shades of a more punk Reverie.
Gut Health
Gut Health
Sometimes Gut Health is the loudest band in the club.
On Monday night it was not the loudest, but compared to the slop n roll it was sandwiched between on the bill, the five-piece sounded like Grammy contenders.
The frontman is a born lead singer, and he brought his usual bag of tricks. That is, a suitcase full of FX processors, plus a host of stage props he’s deployed at previous shows, including illuminated hula hoops. In the tight confines of the Sil’s backroom, adequate space to hula the hoop is a big ask.
By the way, is this band from Worcester?
Pontius Pilates
Pontius Pilates
Pontius Pilates borrowed their drummer and guitarist from the opening band, Bradford Barker Band.
The three-piece crafted a speedy mix of alt metal. Shout out to the bassist, who was putting in some major crowd work with his whirling dervish-style of play. A bassist that nimble is hard to find.
In terms of pure energy, shades of Battlemode.
Healers Co
Healers Co
It was a sloppy night, offstage and on. By the time the fourth act Healers Co fired up its act, the house was feeling comfortable. The two-piece fit the mood perfectly, offering a kind of dubby, stoner, psych, trip hop cassette vibe.
The crowd was not paying too much attention to when songs started or stopped. In terms of drugged out ambience, shades of Salem shows.
With midnight approaching, the day of Valentine was minutes away. Some couples slipped away to be alone in dark corners. But a sizable chunk of the crowd stayed until the music ended. After all, a good band is hard to find.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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“The Legacy of Istanbul in America” brings a Mehter band to Jordan Hall.