Sam Beam Shines

Fans with the Qs at Regent Theatre
The Iron and Wine artist serves up a movie, music, but no dinner at Regent Theatre on Friday, 9 February 2023.
Who Can See Forever, directed by Josh Sliffe, screens to a sell out crowd.
Movie or music?
Guests didn’t have to pick on Friday night as Who Can See Forever visited the Regent Theatre, with Iron and Wine’s Sam Beam playing a short set after the screening.
The film tracks life on the road for five members of Iron and Wine, highlighting onstage performances, offstage bullshitting, and a few roadside diner repasts along the way.
If you were looking for a gritty exposé, look elsewhere. Who Can See Forever, directed by Josh Sliffe, paints a mostly sunny portrait of the indie folk musician Sam Beam and his life of domestic bliss somewhere in the green pastures of North Carolina.
When moments of doubt briefly creep into frame, the scene quickly resets to another intimate performance by the band, surrounded by friends, family, adoring fans, among the floating clouds.

Sam Beam with the As
There were plenty of adoring fans in the Regent Theatre as well, evidenced by a Q&A session between the film and music set. Questions aplenty in the form of: (1) I love you, (2) I love your music, (3) What does the following lyric mean?
Beam fielded the questions with benevolent, if road weary, aplomb. The usual answers? To paraphrase: the lyrics mean what you think they mean, or want them to mean, or I don’t remember because I wrote them fifteen years ago.
The set was composed of a few classics that were not performed in the film, including “Upward Over The Mountain” and “Each Coming Night.”
The Who Can See Forever tour is currently scheduled to resume in June and continue through August.
Photo Gallery
Neal Francis / Improvement Movement. Photo galleries by Julia Levine.
Washed out, washed right.