CARRTOONS: “Groceries” (ft. Nigel Hall)
Written By Michael Gutierrez

“Groceries” (ft. Nigel Hall) off Homegrown.
There’s the loving touch of a music archivist at work in the LP Homegrown. New York’s CARRTOONS resurrects the vintage sounds of ‘70s soul and RnB in fourteen tracks. Sometimes the tracks are no more than 1:46 meditations, ideas sketched into the jazz-hop aether, treasured all the more for their elusiveness and lack of definition.
On the other hand, our highlighted track “Groceries” is a full-fledged throwback soul jammer, featuring the vocal work of guest Nigel Hall. CARRTOONS substitutes lush backing instrumentation with deftly-placed samples or key strokes that fill out the sonic space with relatively few elements in play.
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