Viruette: “The Water Beckons”

An angular rocker with a quizzical title. Our highlighted track “The Water Beckons” from Viruette tells an opaque story about existential noodling seaside. You’d almost think it must be a line of poetry. Preliminary Google searching reveals the following short story, which is not great! Excerpted in part:
With my body thin and void of nutrients, by now the tank was beyond empty, the reserves went bone dry days ago and I feel myself trembling a bit because I am so weak. Yet, the enticement of the water beckoned me to push on and push off, hoping to leave those demons behind on that small sandy shore.
A few strange and stilted choices in the brief selection. That’s the problem with the internet – any idiot (cough, cough, pats self on back) can post anything!
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Neal Francis / Improvement Movement. Photo galleries by Julia Levine.
Washed out, washed right.