James Brandon Lewis: “Send Seraphic Beings”
Tenor saxophone in the new Old School fashion. James Brandon Lewis scares up the spirits with a strong tone on our highlighted track “Send Seraphic Beings.” “Seraphim” is another word for ‘angel,” but ‘angel’ conjures up visions of spirits that are too polite. You know, sipping tea on a cloud in white robes. But angels could be dark, strange, vengeful even. Satan was an angel that turned against God, though the powerful half-divine beings were capable of dirty deeds without turning themselves completely over to the dark side. There are unofficial books from the Bible that detail all kinds of crazy angelic antics. You don’t want to know. Off the full-length Eye of I, which, let’s be honest, is the kind of title that a 8th-grader, stoned for the second time, would come up with. Via Anti- Records.
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