Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few: “Perspective (Peace and Love)”

Peace and love? Get me some of that.
Isaiah Collier is a jazz musician with a kind of spiritual bent. Back in prehistoric times that meant that he played jazz with gospel influences – and, yeah, there are some gospel influences here.
But at some point all the spiritually-minded, far out jazz musicians dropped acid and, instead of recalling the church songs of their youth, they began to draw on the influences of Eastern (with a capital ‘E’) religion. Maybe a little mysticism too.
And let’s be honest, a little cultic recreation once in a while (looking at you Alice). What does it add up to in the music? Jazz with more world music influences, and maybe some mantric phrasemaking. Works for me.
Hail Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh!
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Neal Francis / Improvement Movement. Photo galleries by Julia Levine.
Washed out, washed right.