Echo Kid: “Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me)”
Nobody loves Xmas indie rock tunes more than Hump Day News. We’ve got a goddamn hashtag for them: #xmas4eva. But, wow, our highlighted track “Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me)” comes off the fourth (!) installment of Xmas tunes by Philly’s Echo Kid.
Hey, if nobody thinks we’re weird for rolling out XMAS IS 4 EVA tracks every holiday season, we’ll turn a blind eye to Echo Kid’s own obsessive fixation.
What do we have with this track? Something like Tom Waits meets The Replacements meets The Beatles meets one of those Xmas rock n roll anthologies from the 80s or 90s.
You know, the ones with Bruce Springsteen or someone slogging out the hits, so you can get drunk on nog at an office holiday party, and not feel completely square.
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The metal headbanger steez.