No shit though, it’s an honor to be nominated. And we did some preview coverage on some of our favorite nominees – including the ones who weren’t nominated!
One preview piece we didn’t write up was for “Best Music Publication.” Which we never got around to, but should have, because Hump Day News was nominated.
All the contributors to Hump Day News have pieced together a certain type of music coverage, which offers something you’re not going to find elsewhere, and hopefully greases the wheels of the local music scene to a non-trivial extent. You never know.
Hard to get a read on whether anyone (besides the band that you wrote the post about, and then tagged on social media) gives a shit. It’s alright if they don’t. But it’s nice when they do. Nominated in 2023 for Best Music Publication. Nominated in 2024 for Best Music Publication. Unless we’re Susan Lucci-ing this shit, we’ll win eventually. If we’re still around.
A lot of this is about staying power, which is why you’ve got to doff your cap to 2024 winner Allston Pudding. You know, for still existing.
All the other winners are below, copied and pasted from the BMA site. No one said journalism was difficult. (I mean, it is, kinda.) But it’s the showing up every day that’s the really hard part.