
Compilations are always a dicey game, but the focus on the synth sound is so pinpoint-targeted that the album finds its identity. Behind the Sky presents Portals: A Kosmiche Journey through Outer Worlds and Inner Space. If you’re into technology and acid, this compilation might be right for you.
Synth terrain stretches for miles with a minimum of percussive or quasi-percussive interference. It’s good music for having on in the background while you don’t pay much attention to it, which is not to denigrate the album or the well-regarded contributing electronic artists. “Legends of synthesis” like Steve Roach, Ian Boddy, and Steve Moore craft songs that stretch across your earbrain like wallpaper, demanding appreciation without fixation.
Our highlighted track “DataVision” comes from Steve Moore. He builds up the crenelated layers of electronic bing-bongs in successive waves until the alien armada lands on our collective psychological soil and delivers us back to our true home on Planet Xenon.
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What’s that piano preparing for, a written invitation?
Uptempo power pop with some fuzz.