Altar of Tammy
Not so infrequently artists describe their music better than the cultural commentators hired, or self-appointed, to pass judgment on their sound. Just such a case presents itself.
From the Bandcamp description:
Mary Lattimore plays harp and synthesizers.
Paul Sukeena plays electric guitar, mellotron, Old Style rubber bridge.
Recorded at home in 2020.
A description both direct and elegant. Compare it to the extended blather of the accompanying write-up by Nick Devine (“In “Altar of Tammy”, the sky sinks to indigo and we know there will be another one of these days. Sukeena lets his guitar drone…reminding us of this truth.”), or more than a few HDN Tracks posts.
Lattimore and Sukeena come at modern classical through a New Age lens, if only because that’s the sound that the textures of their chosen instruments are associated with. In another corner of the multiverse they might be metal heads seeking their sense of otherworldly transcendence in sick riffs. But in the here and now the duo deliver a softer sound.
By the way, is this an Old Style rubber bridge?
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