Federal Election Resources

Are you a registered voter in the United States?

If you don’t know, find out easily at the “Can I Vote” page of nass.org no matter where you live. Do it today!

Do you want to be an informed voter in federal elections?

Of course! Many resources are available. If you want to get into the nitty gritty, try the following outlets:

  • The Federal Elections Commission: the FEC is a federal entity tasked with tracking the integrity of federal elections. It provides valuable information about campaign finances and more.

  • Ballotpedia to find out more about the candidates on your upcoming ballot. Enter your address on the main page and zoom to your ballot. Easy!

  • ProPublica to search out the nitty gritty on a Congressional candidate’s voting record. Plus, news and analysis.

  • Open Secrets to track political donations to candidates. Follow the money!

Dates To Watch

Latest from Elections Blog

Election trackers

  • Elections Hub

    The HDN home for elections info and news.

  • State

    Resources to track state MA elections.

  • Local

    Resources to track local MA elections.
