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Debate: Lieutenant Governor (Driscoll v. Gouveia v. Lesser)

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On August 2 GBH hosted a debate among the Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor: Kim Driscoll, Tami Gouveia, and Eric Lesser.

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GBH host Jim Braude does his best Hardball impression, with rapid fire pacing and questions meant to put the candidates on the spot.

Specifically, Braude prods Driscoll, Gouveia, and Lesser to answer if they could name the membership of the Governor’s Council at 9:15. Two out of three demurred, though none were asked to actually name names. The candidates learned their lesson and were prepared for the same question when it was put to them at the WBUR debate two weeks later.

HDN offers some debate notes below to help you find certain topics and questions. 

The usual disclaimer: Hump Day News provides a loose outline, with timecodes, of the back-and-forth. The questions (Qs) noted in the transcript are highlights, not an exhaustive record. The candidate’s responses are paraphrases, not quotes, with a little editorial spin.

Massachusetts Primary Debate: Lieutenant Governor Race

GBH News

Democratic candidates: Kim Driscoll (KD), Tami Gouveia (TG), Eric Lesser (EL)

  • No opening? And this moderator seems to be walking over candidate responses; this guy is hilarious;

  • Q1, 1:15, what’s the attraction to this particular office?

    • KD: I want my community to thrive;

    • EL: I’ll be the best complement to Maura Healey as Gov.;

    • TG: my professional experience is right fit for issues we’re facing;

  • Q2, 4:45, would you push back vs. Maura Healey on policy issues if you disagreed with her?

    • EL: nope;

    • TG: I embrace conflict!

    • KD: yes, no, maybe so;

  • Q3, 6:45, does the Governor’s Council have too much power? (moderator has got an ax to grind with this Council);

  • Q4, 9:15, moderator putting all candidates on the spot to name Council members; the debate is now fully about the moderator’s own fixations;

  • Q5, 10:00, what sets you apart from other candidates?

    • EL: I’m from outside 495; I can speak to entire state;

    • TG: social worker, PhD; background to work on the important issues;

    • KD: I’m a Mayor!

  • Q6, 14:15, childcare measure never got resolved, tax rebates never got resolved, because legislature went off on 5 month vacay – you like that?!?!

  • Q7, 17:30, if there was a vote in the legislature that mandates tax rebate, how would you vote?

  • Q8, 19:30, how would you describe the T?

    • KD: a total mess – let’s talk about Salem;

    • EL: here’s some “specific recommendations”; 

    • TG: “crashing and burning,” supports Fair Share tax to bring it up to speed

  • Q9, 23:15, on minority contracts, low share, what would you do?

  • Q10. 25:45, who’s your model for lieutenant governor?

    • TG: evelyn murphy;

    • EL: tim murray;

    • KD: agreed on both;

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