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Debate: House of Rep. 15th Suffolk District (Fierro v. Longoria v. Montaño v. Nelson)

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On 24 May, 2022 JP Progressives hosted an online forum for the four Democratic candidates running for the House of Representatives 15th Suffolk District seat: Richard Fierro, Roxanne Longoria, Sam Montaño, and Mary Ann Nelson. 

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The wide-ranging discussion asked candidates to articulate their policy priorities, their philosophy of governance, provide examples of relevant professional achievements, and more. Check out our “Lightning Round” table below for a quick look at where the candidates stand on high-profile issues.

Note: the time-code winds down, rather than up, due to the user interface of the Zoom/Facebook stream.

HDN offers some debate notes below to help you find certain topics and questions. 

The usual disclaimer: Hump Day News provides a loose outline, with timecodes, of the back-and-forth. The questions (Qs) noted in the transcript are highlights, not an exhaustive record. The candidate’s responses are paraphrases, not quotes, with a little editorial spin.

JP Progressives Forum

Richard Fierro (RF), Roxanne Longoria (RL), Sam Montaño (SM), Mary Ann Nelson (MAN)

Redistricting discussion, with map, 1:32:00

  • Opening, top 3 policy priorities?

    • RF, 1:27:30, climate change, child care & education, affordable housing

    • RL, 1:25:15, rent control, climate justice, transit funding, criminal legal reform

    • SM, 1:23:45, housing, substance abuse & mental health, environmental justice

    • MAN, 1:21:30, environment….[did she say she wasn’t going to address 3 policy items until closing comments?]

  • Q1, 1:19:00, what is your approach to representing the interests of your constituents? How would you co-govern with the people? What are some advocacy groups you look forward to working with?

  • Q2, 1:11:15, three words to describe your governing style? Give example of where you made an impact in your career?

    • SM, collaborative, humorous, empowering

    • RL, equitable, inclusive, impactful

    • RF, transparency, humility, humanity

    • MAN, collaborative, empowering, problem-solving

  • Q3, 1:04:15, what is your opinion on increasing transparency in the statehouse? Which legislator do you think most exemplifies your approach to navigating change? [the question is a bit muddled and long winded]

    • MAN

    • SM, Elugardo

    • RL, Tyler, Miranda

    • RF

  • Q4, 56:30, on housing crisis, what are your priorities for addressing it?

  • Q5, 44:45, what policies would you pursue to achieve racial equity?

    • RL

    • SM

    • MAN, end receivership process in BPS; look at criminal justice and prison system; use budget process to promote racial justice and minority business;

    • RF, 

  • Q6, 36:30, on pandemic – what are the primary challenges in recovery and what should we do about it?

  • Q7, 28:00, what is your top proposal to address climate change?

    • SM, allowing municipalities to enforce electrification of buildings;

    • RL, push Green New Deal; convert to renewables; free transit; laundry list;

    • RF, get off natural gas imports and replace them with renewables; explore nuclear power?

    • MAN, racial equity in going green; encourage landlords to be proactive about green buildings with tenants; free MBTA–

  • Q8, lightning round, 19:45

    • 1) Would you support providing municipalities with authority to apply rent control?

    • 2) on eviction records, would you support bill to seal records?

    • 3) do you support bill to enact single payer healthcare in MA to guarantee HC as a right?

    • 4) do you support eliminating qualified immunity for police?

    • 5) would you support raising criminal majority from 18 to 21, based on recent research?

    • 6) would you support safe consumption sites as harm reduction approach vs. opioid epidemic?

    • 7) do you support requiring health insurance plans to cover abortion without cost sharing?

    • 8) do you support the Safe Communities Act?

    • 9) do you support the common start coalition proposal to establish early education care?

    • 10) do you support petition for elected school committee in Boston?

    • 11) do you support ending the practice of receivership for BPS?

    • 12) do you support granting financial aid to undocumented students?

    • 13) do you support bills to expand voting franchise to 16/17yo in local elections?

    • 14) do you support the Fair Share ballot initiative?

    • 15) do you oppose Uber/Lyft-backed bill to rewrite labor laws?

    • 16) do you support enabling towns allowing tax exempt..whoah, lost track of that one…

    • 17) do you support “dramatically” expanding public transport in MA?

“Lighting Round”

Closing, 8:15

  • MAN, rent stabilization; use state budget for change; transportation, education, ending receivership, improve health coverage;

  • SM, reviews community organizing resume and local cred; 

  • RL, reviews record and history of collaboration and “speaking truth to power;” 

  • RF, core values: integrity, accountability, transparency; wants to act as conduit for “the will of the people;”

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